Friday, July 18, 2014


Changes for Community 39

As announced in the message from Laurie Forbes, DPC – Administration, on July 16th, some administrative community boundaries are changing and your unit is affected. 

The 2 administrative communities in London are merging and will be AC 4.

Your Administrative Community Leaders are Janet Robinson and Geraldine Haller and they can be reached at

Your Unit Administrator is Michelle Jermy and she can be reached at

Full contact information is listed on our website at  A complete list of towns/cities and their administrative communities will be posted shortly.

Laurie is hosting conference calls over the next 2 weeks with all affected communities.  If you are interested in hearing more about the changes please join her on one of the calls.  To participate please visit the Event Calendar under Other Training for more details.

During the month of July, we are transitioning to the new structure so these changes are in place by August 1st.   Your ACLs, Community Guider and UA are working together to support a smooth transition for your unit.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sisterhood Dinner & Awards Night Communities 3, 4 & 39

Sisterhood Dinner and Awards Night
for Communities 3, 4 and 39

To all Guiders and Rangers from Communities 3,4 and 39.

We are having a Sisterhood Dinner and Awards Night

When: May 26, 2014

Where; Lambeth Legion on Kilbourne Road (just off of Colonel Talbot, north of Lambeth)

Time 6:00 PM arrival, dinner at 6:30 to follow with awards.

All information is on the Ontario Events Calendar under sisterhood events.
Here is the link;  payment can be done with a unit transfer or  mail a cheque.

We hope to see many of you at our event, 
 Please nominate your fellow guider for an award, I am sure she deserves it.
If you need help with this, ask an ACL or Community Guider for assistance.

Any questions, please ask any ACL from Community 3, 4 and 39.