Saturday, December 12, 2020

Thinking Day 2021 plans


Thinking Day 2021 plans

Hello Guiders!

You may have seen in the recent Guidepost that Ontario Council will be releasing a World Thinking Day (WTD) challenge in the January 7th GuidePost! 

Your London and Area Events Team has been busy making plans of our own for an online event on February 20, 2021 to complement their challenge! SAVE THE DATE!!

Our event will be filled with activities that build on the WAGGGS theme of Stand Strong, Stand Up and Stand Together for Peacebuilding.

Registration will begin on Eventbrite January 8th and there will be 2-hour sessions with a break geared to Sparks/Brownies age (morning) and for Guides/Pathfinders/Rangers/Trex age (afternoon). 

There will be no cost associated with the event and we will be providing all the supplies that you'll need for your unit in kits that can be picked up prior to the event.  

Along with registering your unit for the event we ask that Guiders sign up for one of our two information sessions to be held January 28th at 7pm and January 31st at 2pm.

Yours in Guiding
The London and Area Events Team